TCWC Project




Cyclone History

Kyarr Cyclone Advisories



•  To minimize the effect of disaster from tropical cyclones by establishing a reliable network for early warning system and to provide an enhanced Meteorological services to shipping communities.

•  To do the possible risk analysis from tropical cyclone and its influence in the region.

•  Setting up a system for the cyclone tracking and dissemination of warning to the public and authorities.

•  To minimize its destructive effects, save public & private property and above all the human lives.

•  To enhance the capabilities of PMD in predicting cyclone activities, in-depth understanding of Marine climatology and ocean-atmosphere interaction.

•  To strengthen the existing institutional facilities and programs.

The centre established under the project will definitely enhance the capabilities of PMD in the field of prediction of cyclonic activities, coastal Hydrology, Marine Meteorology, Climatology and cyclonic storm studies. The project will also be helpful from the defense point of view for the country, as the cyclonic storm may have the potential to cause damages to some of the strategic points along the coastal areas of Sind and Balochistan.